Our Solutions
As primary care continues to develop, extending the range of services it delivers through integrated and multidisciplinary teams, there is a growing need to make better use of technology and innovative models of delivery.
At Tekihealth, we integrate best of breed technologies with remote models of care to deliver telemedicine solutions that work.
Remote GP Access – EMIS & System 1
Facilitating primary care between clinicians & Patients by providing laptops pre both:
EMISWeb – A digital clinical system supporting joined-up working across all care settings
SytmOne – A clinical computer system allowing NHS Staff to record patient Information securely.
Managed GP Solution
We have a network of qualified and experienced practitioners who form part of our fully managed solution for localities where GP and consultant shortages are a challenge.
Using our unique and innovative remote clinical examination solution, Teki-Hub, we enable clinicians to provide remote healthcare services that can:
Reduce costs and overheads
Increase clinical capacity
Improve standards of care.
Using space technology
Rurality and associated poor broadband access are major issues faced by many communities in the UK meaning online services may not be possible.
Where terrestrial connection is not an option, we use satellite communications to deliver ubiquitous connectivity.