Our Customers

Our Customers

Our solutions have already been successfully deployed in a range of settings including:

  • GP practices

  • Care homes

  • Patient homes

  • COVID-19 hot hubs

  • Specialist clinics.

  • Nurseries and Schools

We would welcome the opportunity to talk with you about how we could help your setting meet its challenges through better use of telemedicine.






GP Clinics

GPs in the UK are under growing pressure, with around 340 million consultations a year taking place in General Practice in England. This represents a 40 million increase from five years ago, the single biggest rise in volume of care within any NHS sector.

This increase has not been matched by an increase in GP numbers and staff, with an ongoing recruitment and retention crisis, or an expansion of infrastructure. The workload of the average GP is not only rising but has become more complex and intense. The effect of this is longer waiting times for patients, particularly in rural areas. 

We have designed a unique remote consultation service that enables a GP and an assistant (this could be a medical student, physician assistant or health care assistant) to provide telemedicine care in a designated clinic environment.

With the help of the assistant located in the clinic, the remote GP will examine patients via our mobile diagnostic suite, Tekihub. Tekihub includes a digital stethoscope (to listen to the heart and lung sounds), otoscope (to examine the ears), ophthalmoscope (to examine the eyes) and a high-resolution camera that enables a safer general physical and throat examination.

Care homes

Around 28,000 emergency admissions from care homes to hospitals in England are made each year; an increase of 62% since 2010/11.

Care home staff are driven to ‘risk averse behaviour’ by poor access to GP services – leading them to send a higher number of patients than necessary to hospital. Research by the Nuffield Trust has shown that providing a dedicated service for Care home patients could cut hospital admissions by a third.

Meeting the DES Specification

Our solutions enable GPs to meet the requirements of the new Network Contract Direct Enhanced Service (DES) Specification which requires regular care home rounds. Conducting ward rounds remotely, using the Tekihub diagnostic set, offers a more efficient model of care which can make a significant contribution to reducing hospital admissions. 

At Tekihealth Solutions, our mission is to enable every care home resident to receive the highest possible quality and continuity of care. Please get in touch with us to find out more about how we can support you to deliver remote healthcare solutions for your care homes.

Home visits

Providing medical care to housebound patients, through home visits, is an integral part of primary care.

Unfortunately, this takes a significant amount of GP time. In the time it takes one practitioner to perform a home visit, many more patients could be seen face-to-face in surgery. Time spent on a home visit could also be used to complete administrative work or professional development.

Our Tekihub solution provides the mechanism for remote GPs to work with health care assistants (HCAs) to deliver a more efficient service. The service is ideal for Primary Care Networks who experience a high demand for home visits while managing shortages in capacity. 

By using one GP and three HCAs a total of 18 home visits could be conducted in an afternoon.This would result in significant efficiency savings.


With its portable design and ‘inbuilt’ connectivity, Tekihub has the potential to be used across a range of settings, where an immediate consultation with a remote practitioner may be required.

Such settings could include oil rigs, ships or planes.